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Access to Books Makes All the Difference: Latest podcast, Ep 84

LATEST PODCAST, Ep 84: Expert literacy consultant Sharon Callen chats to Ted Egan, prolific singer, song writer and lover of Australian characters and their stories, about how access to quality literature made a huge difference to a remote community in northern Australia. Sharon then links this amazing story to the latest research on 'access to  literature'  being key to success in reading and learning about our language.

Ted chats about:

  • How David Attenborough named the small, fascinating  community of book lovers, 'The Hermits of Booraloola'
  • How the local policeman turned his hot jail cell into a quality library that led to prolific reading and wisdom in the community over decades
  • How weekly debates grew the interest and  knowledge of the 'bushies' and how Ted captured their stories in song.

Sharon then chats about:

  • The research on access to literature  making the greatest difference to literacy levels in our schools (Stephen Krashen)
  • How better access means getting students engaged in their reading, not  just acquiring resources
  • Access means availability and engagement in reading at a classroom, school, home and public library level

and much more!

Listen in here:

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