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Using a 'Mud Map' for Genre Planning, Ep 86

LATEST PODCAST, Ep 86: Literacy expert Sharon Callen delves into 'mud mapping' as a way to plan out the teaching of different genres, as a teacher and across a whole school.

Wise planning really is the great secret behind successful teaching and improved outcomes! Literacy expert Sharon Callen delves into 'mud mapping' as a way to plan out the teaching of different genres, as a teacher and across a school. 

She chats further about:

  • What 'mud maps' are and how they work, and their importance in supporting teachers in their planning
  • How to make them connect to your curriculum
  • How to set about making one
  • What are some of the essential tools to guide your mud mapping
  • The incredible role of the mud map in driving unit planning, not just for writing, but for reading, thereby capitalising on the reciprocal nature of reading and writing - so we plan to teach our students about understanding the text type and writing in the text type concurrently.

and much more!

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