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Unleashing 'On the Spot' Teaching Strategies, Ep 90

LATEST PODCAST: This podcast episode with expert numeracy consultant Rob Vingerhoets covers various teaching strategies, including apprenticeship vs lecture style learning Various components of apprenticeship style learning are covered:  'On the Spot' teaching, immediate feedback, engaging tasks, and students as teachers.
Other aspects include explicit teaching, student reflection, using key words, and the power of questioning. The episode concludes with insights on classroom changes and the importance of flexible teaching approaches.

The team discusses:

  • 02:27 Introduction to Rob Vingerhoets
  • 06:09 Lecture style learning versus apprenticeship learning
  • 09:09 What is 'On the Spot' teaching?
  • 11:43 Students as teachers, and supporting each other
  • 13:27 Giving immediate feedback - it's effective one on one
  • 14:30 Giving engaging tasks and developing relationships
  • 15:30 There are multiple definitions of Explicit Teaching
  • 17:36 What if you don't get to every child?
  • 18:12 Students recording their work and using real evidence based teaching
  • 23:20 Truly responding to the needs of the students
  • 24:36 The power of 'on the spot' reflecting. Students noticing their learning for themselves.
  • 27:18 Expecting all students to make discoveries
  • 27:35 Using 'key words' to support students writing about their learning
  • 29:25 Change your teaching to apprentice style
  • 31:45 Pitfalls in starting 'one to one' explicit teaching. Using open or closed tasks.
  • 34:33 Using the right questions - using the 6 E's. Explaining, Encourage, Extend, Extrapolate, Enable, Exhume
  • 37:18 Giving immediate feedback
  • 40:17 Rob using the 2-1-1 reflection strategy
  • 41:10 Getting students into the task using the M.I.T.S and other strategies
  • 47:33 Changes a teacher is seeing in her classroom
  • 49:15 Using common teaching sense to do a Mini Clinic - having a flexible definition of explicit teaching
  • 51:20 Thank you and closing remarks

And much more!

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Instructional Strategies