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There Are So Many Reasons to Rhyme

Incorporating rhymes into reading instruction offers a plethora of benefits for young learners, making it a valuable tool in the classroom. Firstly, rhymes aid in developing phonemic awareness by helping children discern individual sounds within words. This skill lays a solid foundation for reading, as exemplified in familiar rhymes like "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall." Rhymes also enhance memory through their repetitive and rhythmic nature, facilitating the retention of vocabulary and language patterns essential for literacy.

Moreover, rhymes expand language skills by introducing children to new words and phrases in a playful manner, fostering overall language acquisition. The predictable patterns found in rhymes enable children to anticipate words, enhancing reading fluency and comprehension. Additionally, the musical quality of rhymes promotes rhythm recognition, contributing to fluency and comprehension.

Engaging with rhymes requires focused attention, thus cultivating concentration skills vital for successful reading. Furthermore, rhymes encourage creative expression, stimulate multiple senses, foster critical thinking, and promote social interaction. By incorporating rhymes into classroom activities, educators create an enriching and enjoyable learning environment that nurtures literacy development in young learners.

Some benefits:

  • Phonemic Awareness: Rhymes help children develop phonemic awareness by allowing them to hear and identify the individual sounds, or phonemes, in words. For example, in the rhyme "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall," children learn to recognize and distinguish the sounds of words like "Humpty," "Dumpty," "sat," and "wall."
  • Memory Enhancement: The repetitive and rhythmic nature of rhymes makes them easier to remember. By engaging with rhymes regularly, children reinforce their memory of vocabulary and language patterns, which is crucial for building a strong foundation in reading.
  • Language Skills: Rhymes expose children to a variety of words and phrases, expanding their vocabulary and enhancing their language development. Through rhyming activities, children encounter new vocabulary in a playful and engaging manner, which supports their overall language acquisition.
  • Predictable Patterns: Rhymes often follow predictable patterns, allowing children to anticipate words and phrases as they listen or read. This predictability helps children develop reading fluency by enabling them to recognize common word patterns and structures.
  • Rhythm Recognition: Rhymes have a rhythmic and musical quality that helps children recognize and understand the natural cadence of language. By engaging with rhymes, children develop an ear for rhythm, which contributes to their reading fluency and comprehension.
  • Attention and Focus: Engaging with rhymes requires children to concentrate and focus on the sounds, patterns, and meanings of words. Through repeated exposure to rhyming activities, children develop attention span and concentration skills, which are essential for successful reading.
  • Creative Expression: Reading and writing rhymes encourage children to express themselves creatively through language. By creating their own rhymes or engaging with existing ones, children explore different ways to play with words and express ideas, fostering a love for language and literature.
  • Sensory Engagement: Fingerplay and other activities involving rhymes stimulate multiple senses, such as hearing, sight, and touch. This multisensory approach to learning makes rhyming activities more enjoyable and memorable for children, enhancing their overall learning experience.
  • Critical Thinking: Exploring rhymes involves analyzing sounds, patterns, and meanings, which promotes critical thinking skills. By identifying rhyming words, children learn to discern similarities and differences in word sounds, contributing to their reading comprehension abilities.
  • Social Interaction: Participating in rhyming activities with peers or caregivers promotes social interaction and communication skills. Through collaborative engagement with rhymes, children learn to share ideas, take turns, and communicate effectively, all of which are fundamental for literacy development.


  • Rhymes help us hear and learn the different sounds in words, which is important for reading.
  • They're like songs we remember easily because they repeat the same words and rhythms.
  • Rhymes teach us new words and phrases, making our vocabulary bigger and helping us talk better.
  • We can find out what comes next in a rhyme because they often follow a pattern, making reading easier.
  • Rhymes sound like music, and listening to them helps us understand how words flow together in stories.
  • When we listen to or say rhymes, we have to pay attention to the words and their meanings, helping us focus better.
  • Making up our own rhymes lets us be creative with words and express our ideas in fun ways.
  • Rhymes make learning fun by using our senses – we hear, see, and sometimes even touch the words.
  • By figuring out rhymes, we learn to think about words in different ways, making us smarter readers.
  • When we share rhymes with friends or family, we learn to talk and listen better, making reading more enjoyable together.


Finger play action rhymes are interactive songs and poems where children use hand gestures and movements to accompany the words. These activities enhance reading development in 4 to 6-year-olds by promoting fluency through rhythm and repetition. Engaging in finger play encourages children to focus on words and their meanings while improving fine motor skills. The combination of movement and language strengthens comprehension, vocabulary, and overall literacy skills in young learners.

Explore our collection of Finger Play Rhymes, created  specifically for Foundation - Year 1. There are 47 rhymes in total, each as a separate pack.

Each rhyme pack contains:

  • A rhyme PDF for immediate download - class and student versions
  • Instructions for finger play

Each rhyme PDF is designed to be glued into an A3 sized blank book.

A book cover, Our Class Book of Finger Play Rhymes, can be found at this link. A contents page is also included, so that as you create your own Finger Play Rhyme book, you can add each rhyme title to the list of contents.

A smaller version of the rhyme is also included. So many teachers keep requesting that we include smaller versions too. When students can have their own copies of rhymes that have been read together as a class, they are given valuable access to familiar text which they can read with a partner or by themselves with increasing confidence and enjoyment.


In this 23 minute mini course, Sharon Callen takes you through our Finger Play Rhyme resource here.

This course is free for Teachific members.

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