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  • Part 2: Student Agency with Lisa Burman

    Posted by Sharon Callen

    Cultivating Student Agency in the Classroom: A Journey from Control to Empowerment In a recent podcast conversation with Lisa Burman, a passionate educator and advocate for student agency, several insightful themes were explored that shine a light on the power of agency in both students and teachers. Lisa discusses how...

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  • Part 3: Making Education Explicit and Possible: Insights from Garth Boomer's Closing Address

    Posted by Sharon Callen

    Garth Boomer's address begins with a sobering reflection on the world we live in, drawing attention to the socio-political struggles and global challenges that teachers must navigate daily. He emphasises the importance of acknowledging these difficulties rather than being carried away by the temporary excitement of educational conferences. For educators,...

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  • Part 2: Understanding Garth Boomer's Influence on Modern Education

    Posted by Sharon Callen

    Garth Boomer, a legendary figure in the world of education, continues to inspire educators with his forward-thinking approach to teaching and learning. His ideas, shaped by a blend of intellectual rigor, practical experience, and a deep understanding of students, offer valuable insights for teachers today. This blog explores key aspects...

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  • Part 1: Garth Boomer - A Visionary in Education

    Posted by Sharon Callen

    Garth Boomer was a transformative figure in Australian education, leaving a lasting legacy in curriculum development and pedagogy. His journey began in Mount Barker, South Australia, where he distinguished himself academically and athletically. With a BA Honours from the University of Adelaide and a Diploma of Teaching, Boomer started his...

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  • The Conditions for Learning that Lead to Better Outcomes

    Posted by Sharon Callen

    LATEST BLOG: Dr Brian Cambourne says there are eight conditions for learning in the classroom that will lead to improved outcomes with students. Engagement, immersion, demonstration, response, approximation, use and employment, responsibility, and expectations – these are the Conditions for Learning developed by Dr Brian Cambourne, one of Australia’s most...

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  • The Conditions For Learning With Dr Brian Cambourne

    Posted by Sharon Callen

    LATEST PODCAST: How can can teachers develop a set of conditions of learning in the classroom that lead to greater student engagement and improved outcomes? Many school leaders and teachers are grappling with this, and wondering whether a program could bring the solution, or whether there's a way to construct...

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