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  • Books to Explore Diversity in the Classroom

    Posted by Sharon Callen

    LATEST BLOG: There are a range of texts teachers can use to explore First Nations culture, language and diversity in the classroom. On Episode 76 of The Teacher's Toolkit for Literacy, hosted by Sharon Callen, teacher Lucy Stinson and children's bookseller Genevieve Kruyssen recommended some quality books that teachers can...

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  • New Release Books to Inspire Young Learners

    Posted by Sharon Callen

    LATEST PODCAST: Teachers are always on the lookout for fresh ideas and especially books to use effectively in the classroom. They are looking for ways to connect the books with the curriculum - as read alouds, mentor texts, shared reading, shared writing, word work and more. To talk about the...

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  • How Teachers Can Find the Best Books

    Posted by Sharon Callen

    LATEST BLOG: The best way to find good books is to seek out your ideal bookshop, use social media and refer to different children’s book awards. Great books are key to success for teachers of literacy, so finding the best books for the classroom library is essential. But with so...

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  • I Can't Said the Ant

    Posted by Sharon Callen

    I Can't Said the Ant by Polly Cameron, 1961 (old as me) and a favourite, is a perfect poem for writing innovation. We’ve been talking a lot about poetry in podcasts and this is one of those poems that has danced along with me through childhood and into adulthood. A...

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