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  • Individual

    One user. paid monthly or annually

    $ 14 per
    user /

    Billed monthly
    or $168 yearly

    • One user. paid monthly or annually ($14 per month, $168 per year)
    • Access to all resources
    • 45 downloads per user per month (resets each month)
    • Mini-lessons, planners, tools, games, assessments, texts, podcast transcripts, professional readings
    • Discounted or free courses
    • Some shop items free
    • Own Dashboard of downloaded PDF resources and courses per user
  • School

    Unlimited users in one school

    $ 960 per
    school /

    Billed yearly ($960)

    • Unlimited users in one school for a flat annual fee ($960 per year)
    • Access to all resources for 12 months from the date of subscribing
    • 45 downloads per user per month  (resets each month)
    • Mini-lessons, planners, tools, games, assessments, texts, podcast transcripts, professional readings
    • Discounted or free courses
    • Some shop items free
    • Own Dashboard of downloaded PDF resources and courses per user

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