About this teaching resource
Get your students thinking, reading, writing and talking like scientists by exploring and working with the vocabulary of the topic.
Includes: Unit vocabulary cards, blank cards, Knowledge Rating Scale
Ways to incorporate rich and meaningful vocabulary learning experiences:
- Create a unit display with vocabulary cards/Word Wall
- Create opportunities for your students to use the words, and catch them using them
- Create a science word consciousness
- Have students create pockets with vocabulary cards: write, define, illustrate, use
- Have students add vocabulary cards as you explore the topic
- Have students find definitions to display next to each word
- Choose a vocabulary learning tool to explore and deepen understanding (explore our Vocabulary tools)
- List words on the Knowledge Rating Scale at the beginning of the unit of study to determine which words to teach your students and to create opportunities for exploration (pre assessment)
- List the same words on the Knowledge Rating Scale at the end of the unit of study to allow your students to demonstrate growth in understanding and use of vocabulary
- Demonstrate how to refer to and use topic vocabulary when you speak and write about the topic
- Support and acknowledge student use of topic vocabulary when writing and speaking
- Raise awareness by modelling during topic read alouds and viewed texts how to notice and use topic vocabulary to deepen understanding
- Have students practice noticing and comprehending topic vocabulary when reading independently
Australian curriculum alignment
Year 6
ACSSU095: Changes to materials can be reversible or irreversible
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